Hosting Offer
Get a Free 1 Year membership plan, if you purchase hosting from our Affiliate link. It’s simple 🙂
We have provided best and budget Hosting link on this page, get a suitable plan for yourself, and once purchased, let us know to get your offered Rewards.

Purchase a Hosting Plan
Please go ahead and purchase it for a minimum 1-year duration. If you need our help then let us know via our email or in a support ticket. Note – Do not use old details like email or phone or address to buy a hosting, please use all fresh details then only your sale can be claimed with us.
Get Your Purchase Verified
Once your server purchase is done then please share the invoice with us at for verification. We will verify that from our end. For best results, always buy the server in the incognito window. Simply copy our link and open that in a private window and use new details to buy a plan.
Get Rewards
Once we verify your purchase in our affiliate dashboard then we will send you a coupon to buy a membership plan and Link to 9 Days Blogging Course, for free on your email. This process will not take more than 2 hours. The provided coupon will be valid for 1 month only.